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Ann Mammoliti

Certified Fitness Instructor and Personal Trainer, Ann has been passionate about fitness, health and wellness as long as she can remember. She began sharing that passion in 1989 in the community of Rockwood/Eramosa where she grew up. Ann taught a variety of classes at Rockmosa Community Centre on Tuesday and Thursday nights, September thru May. 

Unfortunately due to the repercussions of COVID Ann is no longer offering classes at Rockmosa. Since January 2021 Ann has been offering smaller classes out of her new home studio in the south end of Guelph where she recently moved.

She strives to generate enthusiasm and fun, while giving personal attention and results. She offers safe, enjoyable and effective workouts for everyone, new exercisers as well as seasoned ones.

Ann attends seminars, classes and conferences each year to stay on top of the latest research and training methods. She is a member of CanFitPro (Canadian Association of Fitness Professionals).

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  • CanFitPro Fitness Instructor Specialist
  • CanFitPro Personal Trainer Specialist
  • Fitness Kickboxing Canada Boxing Instructor
  • Fitness Kickboxing Canada Kickboxing Instructor
  • Stability Ball Level II
  • TRX Group Suspension Training Instructor
  • University of Guelph Group Cycling Instructor
  • University of Guelph Personal Trainer
  • YMCA Fitness Instructor
  • YMCA Weight Training Instructor
  • YogaFit Instructor
  • Zumba Basic
  • Barre Above

Ann and her husband Dominic lived in the community of Rockwood, where they raised two sons and a daughter who are all now married. They have eight grandchildren. 

They recently moved to the south end of Guelph where they built a new home.

Ann works full time at the University of Guelph administering health and wellness benefits to students.

She also works for U of G Department of Athletics teaching a variety of classes.


Ann enjoyed mixing her passion with paradise teaching Sunrise & Sunset Yoga on the beaches of Turks & Caicos and Cancun, Mexico.

"Do the work, look within, feel the peace"

Always stay flexible enough 

to kick your own butt.

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